Challenge: Automatic notification when the washing machine is finished
Everyone knows it: you turn on the washing machine, do other things on the side and completely forget about the finished laundry. Older machines usually don't have an integrated acoustic signal to remind you when the laundry is done. And if this is also in the basement, you certainly don't hear the signal tone.
In this application example, we will show you how a normal washing machine can be turned into a smart washing machine in just a few steps. With the automatic notification you will never forget your finished laundry again. You can also use the Loxone app set when the washing process should start (provided the machine has not yet integrated this function).
Solution: Automation of the washing machine with the Smart Socket Air
With the Smart Socket Air you can monitor the actual performance of a device - in our example that of the washing machine. When the machine starts the washing process, the intelligent socket detects the current performance of the machine. As soon as the washing machine finishes the process, the power drops to almost 0. At this point the Mini server a message to your mobile phone or tablet to indicate the end of the machine. Make sure that you set a sufficiently long delay before the notification is sent, as a washing process also includes pauses during which the absorbed power also drops to almost 0.
To start your smart washing machine automatically, you can use the calendar or the Loxone app set the desired time.
Attention: Most washing machines are equipped with a protection function against power failure. This means that the process will continue from where it was interrupted during the power failure. In this case you have to deactivate the Smart Socket Air and reactivate it according to a program or via the app.
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