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Challenge: control photovoltaic surplus

There are a number of electrical consumers in a modern building. Lighting, shaded windows, heating systems, kitchen appliances, computers, electric cars and co ..

Buildings not only consume energy, they can also generate it. This is usually done with the help of a photovoltaic system. The so-called PV systems, however, generate energy precisely when it is least needed. During the day, the solar yield is highest, but the electricity consumption is lowest. Thus, the photovoltaic surplus must be intelligently controlled and steered in the right direction.


The self-generated energy can be used, for example, to charge electric cars or to increase the boiler temperature. This converted and stored energy can then be used optimally at a later point in time.


Solution: Use excess intelligently

With the automation solution from Loxone, you can make your customers' buildings more energy-efficient. It is important to manage the building's own consumption in such a way that the energy it generates is used optimally.

The energy currently being produced can be used in a targeted manner using the “energy manager” function block. You can use the block to control up to 12 consumers with different priorities. More energy is produced  when it is currently being used, the various consumers are switched on automatically.

The energy manager works through the list according to the level of the connection value. If there is an excess, an attempt is made - starting with the lowest connection value - to switch on as many devices as possible. In order for the energy manager to be able to do his job, he needs to know how much electricity is currently being produced or consumed. In order to use the free solar energy even more efficiently, thanks to the Loxone  Weather Service, also forecast values are included in the logic.



Controlling photovoltaic surplus - use case


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